This room is great for bands of three to five people. It has a warm industrial vibe with 12 ft ceilings, wall to wall carpet and acoustic sound damping panels.

Studio CThe Studio C walk up rate is only $20/hr., and is sold in three-hour blocks of time, with a free 1/2 hour both before and after your session to set up and break down. Discounts are available with punch card packages.

Studio C backline gear (free with room rental on NON-RACK Rate Dates*):
PA**: 4 ea flown 15in w/ tweeter, powered by Crown Macro Tech 2400 amp
Drums***: 5-piece Tama drum kit with cymbal hardware
Bass: Peavy TNT-150 base combo
Guitar:Fender Deluxe 112
Keys****: Fender KRX key amp combo

*Rack Rate Dates DO NOT include gear. Rack Rate Dates are the week before any major festival in New Orleans (Jazz Fest, Essance Fest, FQ Fest, Voodoo Fest, ect.)
*Specific gear availability subject to change
**PA does not come with mics, we charge a $5 cleaning fee
***Drums do not cone with Cymbals, snare, drum sticks or kick pedal. We do rent the items from our backline warehouse.
**** key board can be rented from our backline warehouse.