Studio F rehearsal room and hourly music rental studio is great for a 3 to 4 piece band, 19511628_695175120684767_903029298964276421_n-2but it can also be packaged with Studio E and/or Studio G for isolation during recordings or green room space for large touring entourages – the choice is up to you.

Studio F backline gear (free with room rental on NON-RACK Rate Dates*):

PA**: 2 ea floor wages set up upon request
Drums***: NOLA Custom Drums 4 Piece kit
Bass: SWR, LA-12 combo
Guitar: Fender, Super Chap XD or Ampeg, Jet -21
Keys: Aki Baby Grand Piano19554018_695175117351434_886164872416438907_n

*Rack Rate Dates DO NOT include gear. Rack Rate Dates are the week before any major festival in New Orleans (Jazz Fest, Essance Fest, FQ Fest, Voodoo Fest, ect.)

*Specific gear availability subject to change
**PA does not come with mics, we charge a $5 cleaning fee
***Drums do not cone with Cymbals, snare, drum sticks or kick pedal. We do rent the items from our backline warehouse.
**** key board can be rented from our backline warehouse.